If you would like to hire an employee who is subject to social security contributions and who does not (yet) have the necessary professional experience and knowledge, you as an employer can receive a wage subsidy.
Funding conditions
In order for the Rottweil district job center to be able to promote the hiring of employees with an integration grant, a so-called “underperformance” must exist. The underperformance results from the difference in the professional skills, knowledge, experience and strengths of the employee in relation to the specific job-related requirements of the job to be filled. As an employer, you must present this underperformance in writing.
The amount and duration of funding is then based on the extent of the limitation of work performance in relation to the workplace.
For employees who have reached the age of 50, for disabled and severely disabled people or for severely disabled people who are particularly affected, there are extended funding opportunities.
The remuneration that you actually pay is generally used as a basis for the amount of funding. Your share of the total social security contribution is taken into account in a flat-rate form.
The integration grant is in front to apply for the commencement of work. Since the grant is only paid if it is necessary for professional integration, you should definitely contact the job center, before You hire the employee.
The Employer Service is at your disposal for this.
By phone: 0 800 4 55 55 20
or by email at: rottweil-villingen-schwenningen.arbeitgeber@arbeitsagentur.de