The compatibility of family and work is a major challenge for most single parents. Single parents are confronted with significantly higher demands on the organization of everyday life, housekeeping, raising children and securing their financial income.
Unemployed single parents in particular are dependent on a close-knit network of support, for example when organizing childcare or looking for a suitable job or an apprenticeship.
We offer you targeted advice so that you can position yourself better on the job market.
We support you sustainably and taking into account your interests, resources and your family situation.
The aim is to improve your living and employment situation as a whole (compatibility of family and work) and to increase the chance of integration into working life. To this end, regional network partners are included.
Our case managers and the representative for equal opportunities offer you further advice and support if required.
The Rottweil district job center also provides special support projects for (single) parents full-time or part-time if required – talk to us!
Even if your child is not yet 3 years old, we are happy to support you in returning to work.