- You can find applications and information on how to complete unemployment benefit II as well as further information here .
- Brochure on basic security for job seekers simply explained
- Flyer on residence regulations when receiving unemployment benefit II
- Leaflet SGB II – Basic security for job seekers
- Information sheet on subsidies for health and long-term care insurance contributions (Section 26 SGB II)
- Leaflet Subsidy for the insurance contributions of health and long-term care insurance to avoid the need for assistance (§ 26 SGB II)
- Leaflet for beneficiaries without health and long-term care insurance
- Application for the procurement of digital devices for home participation in school lessons
Model notification for unemployment benefit II
Exemplary representation of a notification including a calculation sheet with explanations
Video: The notification of approval from the job center
The notification of approval from the job center. What is in it and where you can find out the amount of your basic security through unemployment benefit II. Watch now!