Representative for Equal Opportunities in the Labor Market (BCA for short)
The BCA of the Rottweil district job center is Ms. Sylvia Naumann.
As part of the legal and business policy implementation of equal opportunities, she is the contact person for questions:
- Equality between women and men in the labor market
- The promotion of women, but also of men
- The compatibility of family and work
- Target group-specific topics
in order to counteract possible disadvantages on the labor market.
The BCA advises and supports employers, employees as well as their organizations and other interested parties on questions of:
- Work-life balance
- All about parental leave
- Return to work after childcare and / or care
- Part-time education
- Application tips
- Family-oriented personnel policy
Further tasks include close cooperation with the regional agencies and authorities that deal with issues relating to women’s employment in order to ensure equal participation for women. It also provides information about the situation of women in the training and labor market and shows possible need for action to reduce disadvantage.
It initiates, organizes and accompanies events and projects, including
- Work-life balance
- Promotion of women
Another main focus is advising and supporting specialists and executives in completing their tasks in a way that is appropriate to women and families, and helping to develop business policy concepts for the job center for equality between women and men in the labor market.
additional Information
Make active use of parental leave
The first weeks and months together with the offspring are irretrievable, exciting and sometimes also challenging. Nevertheless, plan your professional (re) entry in good time:
- the day care center must be at least Be registered with the daycare provider 6 months before the end of the planned parental leave
- What qualifications and professional experience did you acquire before taking parental leave? Do you need further training or tips when preparing an application?
Stay in contact with us even during parental leave and let us advise you!
Learning exchange:
Educate yourself comfortably and independently of time at home and use the Online learning opportunities the Federal Employment Agency.
Links / download for further information:
- Brochure pregnancy
- practical application tips for women here
- Family portal here (Federal Ministry of Family Affairs)
If you have any questions / concerns / interests, Ms. Naumann will be happy to help.
Representative for equal opportunities in the labor market
Sylvia Naumann
Phone: 0741-209605206
Rottweil district job center
Climb 27
78628 Rottweil
Personal words:
For me, the implementation / support of equal opportunities is an important task that runs through all areas of our daily work.
It is important to me that the BCA not only looks after women, but also all those who have fewer opportunities on the job market due to various disadvantages.
This can be anyone who feels they are disadvantaged.
My work is also about initiating, supervising and visiting networks in order to carry the important work of the Rottweil district job center into the region.